The rise of the Nazi Party
Hitler return to Munich in late 1918 and he joined a small German Worker's Party, which aimed to unite the interests of the working class with a strong German nationalism. Due to his skilled oratory and charmismatic energy he was promoted to head of propaganda of the party.
One of Hitler's many strokes of genius was to adopt a version of the swastika- an ancient sacred symbol of Hinduism, Janism and Buddhism as the party's emblem. This symbol would then become a symbol to be feared in the years to come.

By the end of 1921, Hitler led the growing Nazi party, capitalizing on widepsread discontent with the newly formed Weimar Republic and the punishing terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Many former army officers in Munich would join the Nazi Party as they too were severely unhappy with the Weimar Republic, one of these officers was Ernst Rohm, who recruited the "strong arm" squads- known as the SA, which Hitler used to protect party meetings and attack his opponents.